Business Sustainability in the Age of Exponential Change

PRESENTATION on Business Sustainability in the age of exponential change.

This is a series of  5 presentations first shown at the Regents University on 8.11.2018.  You can preview the presentations in  Full Screen mode (Click on the bottom right hand icon). It will open in a new Window in an animated mode. You can also  download each of the presentations by clicking the download link underneath.

PRESENTATION on Business Sustainability in the age of exponential change – Part 1 – How to minimize the risk of Global Economic Disorder?

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PRESENTATION on Business Sustainability in the age of exponential change – Part 2 – How can we achieve global economic sustainability?

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PRESENTATION on Business Sustainability in the age of exponential change – Part 3 – The company of the future and the case for sustainable business

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PRESENTATION on Business Sustainability in the age of exponential change – Part 4 – SYMBIOSA Business Sustainability approach

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PRESENTATION on Business Sustainability in the age of exponential change – Part 5 – Consulting in Business Sustainability using SYMBIOSA approach

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