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Euro Agora
Consensual Presidential Democracy
Management Team
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1. Cons. Debating
INFO on Consensual Debating
The consequences of adversarial debating
Improved Debating with Yellow Stickers
POLIS – Digitized Yellow Stickers
Digitized Structured Content
Consensual Debating for all levels of governance
Digital Assistants in Consensual Debating
Consensual Debating mini conference
POLIS on Consensual Debating
11. The consequences of adversarial debating
12. Polarization of societies is consequence of adversarial relations
13. Legislation takes so long because of adversarial debating
14. Digital democracy enables more consensual politics
2. Values & Resp.
INFO on Values and Responsibilities
Human Values
Human Responsibilities
POLIS on Values and Responsibilities
21. Democracy reform starts with values
22. Countries constitutions must be consistent with EU values
23. Values best describe us as humans
24. Values need to be re-examined
25. Values must be observed by every culture and race
26. Democracy must balance rights and responsibilities
27. Every gender or race is responsible for social cohesion
28. Social solidarity should balance rights of migrants and local population
29. There should be no tolerance for intolerance
3. Cons. Democracy
INFO on Consensual Presidential Democracy
Reforming Democracy
Re-balancing the power of governance
Why is Democracy Failing?
New Democracy to fight existential risks
What kind of Democracy?
Cons. Pres. Dem. Overview
Balanced Rights & Responsibilities – Pillar 1
Political Consensus – Pillar 2
Deep Decentralization – Pillar 3
AI-assisted Governance – Pillar 4
Inspirations for Democracy
How to Improve the British democracy?
Quantum Encryption for Digital Voting
Could Blockchain Voting Fix Democracy?
POLIS on Consensual Politics
31. Citizens must participate in governing
32. New long term policies must be debated by Citizens’ Assembly
33. Politicians’ power must be balanced by Citizens’ Chamber
34. Laws passed by Parliament must have double majority
35. Single party’s majority is not enough to pass law
36. Consensual Politics needs an ‘independent’ arbiter
37. Democracy needs a mechanism to quickly repel bad law
38. New Democracy needed to fight existential risks
39. Technology-enhanced debates
4. C. Assembly
INFO Citizens’ Assemblies
What are Citizens’ Assemblies?
Referendum versus a Citizens’ Assembly
Citizens’ Petitions
AI-supported Petitioning
What is a Citizens’ Senate?
A Citizens’ Senate role in Consensual Presidential Democracy
POLIS on Citizens’ Assemblies
41. Citizens’ Assemblies for a new democracy
42. Citizens’ Assembly is more representative
43. Citizens’ Assembly motion must be binding
44. EU Parliament must have a Citizens’ Chamber
45. Candidates for Citizens’ Assemblies will be randomly selected
46. Citizens’ Chamber candidates have the right to decline to serve
47. Citizens Assemblies are better than referenda
48. Citizens Petitions should be debated by Citizens’ Assemblies
49. Citizens’ Assemblies reduce the risk of corruption
5. Federalism
INFO on Federalism
The Final decade?
Options for EU Transition into a Federation
Should the whole EU federate at the same time?
Scenario 1: Fast Track EU Transition into a Federation
Transition Period – Stage 1
Transition Period – Stage 2
Scenario 2: An orderly EU Transition into a Federation
Conference on the Future of Europe
How might the EU Citizens impact the Conference course?
Convincing the EU voters on the need to federate
Scenario 3: The EU collapses
European Federation State
Zone 1 – European Federation Convergence Area
Zone 2 – European Federation Single Market
Zone 3 – European Federation Customs Union
Zone 4 – European Federation Association Area
Inspirations for Federalisation
Why do we need the World Government?
Brexit and the future EF
Brexit and EU Federalisation
POLIS on European Federation
51. EU must act on global existential threats – nobody else can do it
52. Pace of change is nearly exponential, so EU must act fast
53. Only EU can stop AI taking control over humanity’s destiny by 2030
54. COFE must be transformed into EU Constitutional Assembly
55. EU must choose ‘quick and dirty’ way to federate by 2025
56. E. Federation must become decentralised shallow ‘mini-State’
57. European Federation must be Zone-based
58. EU should show the way towards a planetary civilisation
59. E. Federation must act as a de facto World government
6. Constitution
INFO EU Constitution
A new Constitution in one week
Key contents of the Preamble of the Constitution
Constitutional rights and responsibilities
Content of key articles of the Constitution
POLIS on EU Constitution
7. Elections
INFO on Elections
Election to the Nations’ Chamber
Should everyone’s vote be equal?
AI-based electoral solutions
A political quiz for elections
POLIS on Elections
71. Votes in elections should not have the same weight
8. President
INFO on EU President
POLIS on EU President
81 EU must have one President
82. The EU President must be elected in pan-European elections
83. President must have strong powers and strict accountability
84. President must be the head of government
85. President’s executive orders
9. Transition
Towards Human Federation
Transition to a Human Federation
The World Without Superpowers
The World of Abundance
Global Welfare State
Global Wealth Transfer
Financing GWRF
Scenarios for the World in 2040
Scenario 1 – Out of this World
Scenario 2 – A chaotic world
Scenario 3 – China, the world leader
Scenario 4 – Global Defence League
Scenario 5 – A rosy future
The government
The future of Work
Personal Finance
Life Style
A regionalised federated European Union could be a model for the post-war Ukraine
Citizens’ Rebellion
Citizens’ Senate – Towards CSD
Consultation for the EU Commission
Reassembling Britain
Consensual Debating
A regionalised federated European Union could be a model for the post-war Ukraine
Citizens Assemblies For CoFoE
Citizens’ Assembly for Croydon
European Federation by 2025
Conference on the European Democracy
Democracy for a Human Federation
Who could save Humanity from Superintelligence?
The accelerated pace of Artificial Intelligence in the Post-pandemic World
Business Sustainability in the Age of Exponential Change
Work and life style in the age of Superintelligence
Slide Shows
From a Citizens Assembly to a Citizens’ Senate
Consensual Debating for Citizens’ Assemblies
The accelerated pace of Artificial Intelligence in the Post-pandemic World
Campaign for a citizen-led COFE
Book Reviews
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