The foundations of this Constitution are based on Consensual Presidential Democracy. The Constitution takes into account the new challenges that Humanity faces and asserts:
- The predominance of twelve Universal Values of Humanity in all laws and decisions, which are: Freedom, Democracy, Equality, Justice & the rule of law, Human Dignity, Social Solidarity, Tolerance, Life, Peace, National Security, Family Safety and Nature & Beauty
- Human rights, based on the above values, must be balanced with citizens’ responsibilities
- A non-faith based system of governance, education and social activities is applied in all public domains
- A Judeo-Christian culture is accepted as a unifying culture underpinning the culture of Humanity, while ensuring other cultures can flourish, as long as they do not undermine the homogeneity of the common culture. (To avoid even much bigger internal tensions than it has today, Europe (and the world) cannot risk cultural tensions on a grand scale. That would be the worst outcome for everyone. People change their mentality and acceptability of entirely new norms of behaviour, inter-racial and multi-cultural relationships, very slowly. One generation would not be enough to achieve a reasonable social cohesion. Therefore, in such a difficult transitionary period, the EF (and the world) must minimize social tensions and ensure that its culture remains as homogenous as possible, aligned with the most advanced and mature culture, and with a value system that originates from the Judeo-Christian relligion).
- Non- hereditary system of governance (so that all Constitutional Monarchies in Europe, such as in Spain, the UK, Belgium or the Netherlands, would have to be converted into Republics and the current monarchs given a special, non-constitutional role, e.g. National Hereditary Governor or a similar title, effectively as a permanent minister).